Electric Hoist for Sale & Price Services

Electric Hoist for Sale & Price Services with advantages such as light weight, low height, sophisticated configuration, high transmission efficiency, low noise, energy saving and environmental protection, etc. Electric Hoist for Sale & Price Services adopts modular design, with high degree of universalization of all parts, high maintenance-free rate, less wearing parts.
Brake system
Minimum brake safety factor of 1.8, safety brake not less than one million times.
Wire Rope
Hoisting mechanism wire rope adopt foreign production products in line with international standard, all made of galvanized wire rope, no maintenance or coated with anti-rust oil, breaking strength not less than 1960N / mm2, safety factor not less than 5.
About Electric Hoist for Sale & Price Services
Fabricantes de gruas O Grupo Weihua fornece principalmente pontes rolantes, gruas de pórtico, gruas eot, pontes rolantes,peças para gruas e gruas industriais conexas na China.
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